If it’s not broken, why fix it? Right? Not really, not when it comes to newspapers. El PAIS used that rational to undergo a transformation. EL PAIS is Spain’s most influential newspaper with a daily circulation of 400.000.
Broken = roto (literally), for something that is not working = dañado. El carro está dañado.
Fix = reparar, arreglar.
Right = ¿no? ¿Sí? ¿Veradad?
Not when it comes to = no en el caso de.
Newspaper = periódico, diario.
Daily = diario.
Circulation = tirada, circulación.
Founded 31 years ago, like newspapers worldwide, EL PAIS faces a harsh reality: Newspapers no longer are the information source for younger readers. But increasing readership was not a concern when a number of journalists were asked: What would EL PAIS look like if it were born today? Behind our transformation is not a desire to sell more, the publishers explained, but offering a better product that attracts younger readers.
Founded = fundado.
Face = confrontar.
Worldwide = en el mundo entero.
Source = fuente.
News = Noticias.
Younger = más joven. Older = mayor.
Readership = lectores, público, audiencia.
Journalist = periodista.
Publisher = Editor.
Editor = Redactor.
To have in mind = tener en mente.
Great Spanish and Latin American writers have passed through the pages of EL PAIS. Garcia Marquez, Javier Marias and Vargas Llosa come to mind. And EL PAIS has been a witness and player in the democratization of Spain, a partner in its modernization. But times have changed. Young journalist Pablo Gimón puts it quite emphatically: A newspaper today can’t be the same as it was thirty years ago. To ask a reader to get out of his house and go buy a copy at a kiosk, detour from his job coming home, and pay a Euro… You can’t offer him the same information he got the previous day on the radio, from the news on TV, from the three or four websites that he sees at work, and free tabloids handed out at the metro. Before you would buy El PAIS and it was your source of information. That has changed: now people buy a newspaper already having much information.
Have passed = han pasado.
Has been = ha sido.
Witness = testigo. Related words: Testify = atestiguar, declarar. Testimony = testimonio. Testicles = (evidence of maleness) testículos.
Times have changed = los tiempos han cambiado.
Puts it = lo pone.
Emphatically = de manera enfática, contundente.
Detour = desviarse.
Pay = pagar.
Websites = sitios, páginas.
Gets = obtiene.
Buy = comprar.
Like good Jesuits, the chosen journalists turned to the readers and asked their own questions: What changes they couldn’t tolerate? What was disposable? What was missing? Were they tired of reading? There was no time for reading? Public response can be summarized thus: It was not true people no longer had time for newspapers, but they didn’t have time for old news. Didn’t the poet say the problem with drunks was repeating what everyone knew? Newspapers needed to change the way they told their stories. Newspapers needed to be more reflective, have more analysis and be interactive.
Turned to = se dirigieron.
Disposable = desechable.
Missing = hacer falta.
Tired = cansados.
Old news = noticias pasadas.
The way they tell their stories = la manera que reportan las noticias.
And the Corporation? El PAIS is part of the conglomerate Prisa. The Corporation wants to reach the younger members of society and a global market. We want to capture an educated elite in Latin America, the sort won over by The Economist in that magazine's transformation from a British to a world-wide publication, said Juan Luis Cebrian, Prisa's chief executive officer. This is about having a global editorial point of view, about not feeling ourselves to be a Spanish newspaper but an Ibero-American newspaper.
Conglomerate = conglomerado.
Capture = alcanzar, capturar.
The sort = el tipo, la calse.
Global point of bview = un punto de vista editorial global, universal, internacional.
EL PAIS already publishes an edition in Buenos Aires, Mexico and Brazil, and now plans to publish one in Miami and Colombia. On Sunday, October 21, the new EL PAIS hit the stands. The new EL PAIS is the Spanish-language Herald Tribune. The first evidence of the change is the accent over the Í, the accent that destroys the diphthong is coming back in PAÍS.
Broken = roto (literally), for something that is not working = dañado. El carro está dañado.
Fix = reparar, arreglar.
Right = ¿no? ¿Sí? ¿Veradad?
Not when it comes to = no en el caso de.
Newspaper = periódico, diario.
Daily = diario.
Circulation = tirada, circulación.
Founded 31 years ago, like newspapers worldwide, EL PAIS faces a harsh reality: Newspapers no longer are the information source for younger readers. But increasing readership was not a concern when a number of journalists were asked: What would EL PAIS look like if it were born today? Behind our transformation is not a desire to sell more, the publishers explained, but offering a better product that attracts younger readers.
Founded = fundado.
Face = confrontar.
Worldwide = en el mundo entero.
Source = fuente.
News = Noticias.
Younger = más joven. Older = mayor.
Readership = lectores, público, audiencia.
Journalist = periodista.
Publisher = Editor.
Editor = Redactor.
To have in mind = tener en mente.
Great Spanish and Latin American writers have passed through the pages of EL PAIS. Garcia Marquez, Javier Marias and Vargas Llosa come to mind. And EL PAIS has been a witness and player in the democratization of Spain, a partner in its modernization. But times have changed. Young journalist Pablo Gimón puts it quite emphatically: A newspaper today can’t be the same as it was thirty years ago. To ask a reader to get out of his house and go buy a copy at a kiosk, detour from his job coming home, and pay a Euro… You can’t offer him the same information he got the previous day on the radio, from the news on TV, from the three or four websites that he sees at work, and free tabloids handed out at the metro. Before you would buy El PAIS and it was your source of information. That has changed: now people buy a newspaper already having much information.
Have passed = han pasado.
Has been = ha sido.
Witness = testigo. Related words: Testify = atestiguar, declarar. Testimony = testimonio. Testicles = (evidence of maleness) testículos.
Times have changed = los tiempos han cambiado.
Puts it = lo pone.
Emphatically = de manera enfática, contundente.
Detour = desviarse.
Pay = pagar.
Websites = sitios, páginas.
Gets = obtiene.
Buy = comprar.
Like good Jesuits, the chosen journalists turned to the readers and asked their own questions: What changes they couldn’t tolerate? What was disposable? What was missing? Were they tired of reading? There was no time for reading? Public response can be summarized thus: It was not true people no longer had time for newspapers, but they didn’t have time for old news. Didn’t the poet say the problem with drunks was repeating what everyone knew? Newspapers needed to change the way they told their stories. Newspapers needed to be more reflective, have more analysis and be interactive.
Turned to = se dirigieron.
Disposable = desechable.
Missing = hacer falta.
Tired = cansados.
Old news = noticias pasadas.
The way they tell their stories = la manera que reportan las noticias.
And the Corporation? El PAIS is part of the conglomerate Prisa. The Corporation wants to reach the younger members of society and a global market. We want to capture an educated elite in Latin America, the sort won over by The Economist in that magazine's transformation from a British to a world-wide publication, said Juan Luis Cebrian, Prisa's chief executive officer. This is about having a global editorial point of view, about not feeling ourselves to be a Spanish newspaper but an Ibero-American newspaper.
Conglomerate = conglomerado.
Capture = alcanzar, capturar.
The sort = el tipo, la calse.
Global point of bview = un punto de vista editorial global, universal, internacional.
EL PAIS already publishes an edition in Buenos Aires, Mexico and Brazil, and now plans to publish one in Miami and Colombia. On Sunday, October 21, the new EL PAIS hit the stands. The new EL PAIS is the Spanish-language Herald Tribune. The first evidence of the change is the accent over the Í, the accent that destroys the diphthong is coming back in PAÍS.
Publish = publicar.
Hit the stand = Estará en circulación.
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